
You are pregnant! Now what?

Your resource guide to finding who to hire, where to deliver, and what to expect in pregnancy and birth.

Our Background

We are a Los Angeles-based Certified Nurse-Midwife and Student Nurse-Midwife team with extensive experience working in maternal health. We started our journey as Doulas eventually joining forces as Labor & Delivery Nurses in one of the few midwife-led hospitals in L.A., where we served both a high-risk population while also receiving home birth and birth center transfers. We are also both moms to two baby girls that were born at home. 

We understand that becoming pregnant can be a daunting and sometimes an overwhelming feat to take on. We’ve had friends, and friends of friends, reach out with questions like, “Do you have doula, midwife, obstetrician recommendations? What’s the difference between a midwife and a doula? What can I expect in a cesarean section? My baby is breech, what are my options?” With our collective backgrounds and connections within the maternal health community, we are here to help you navigate your pregnancy and make informed decisions that are best suited for you and your growing family.

Logo designed by Seth Brau